Pattern has polled 1,000 Chinese shoppers who shopped on the largest cross-border marketplace Tmall Global in the past 12 months. The polling is set to understand these cross-border shoppers' online buyer behaviour, and how their buying decisions for Western brands and products were influenced in...
The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) and Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) have announced plans to commence a phased linkage of Singapore’s PayNow and Malaysia’s DuitNow real-time payment systems.   The first phase of the PayNow-DuitNow linkage will be launched in the fourth quarter of 2022....
Amazon has wrapped the two-day Prime Day event in Singapore which delivered big sales for small businesses and big savings for Prime members. Amazon designed this year's Prime Day to support small businesses in Singapore to help small businesses achieve growth over the shopping event and upcoming...
Love.PrettyPlus+ was founded in 2013 by Xindy Ng and Raymond Ng with the belief that all plus sized ladies deserve to be pampered with a full range of stylish yet affordable clothing. Beginning as a blogshop and having a presence on Facebook Live, the...
The pandemic has changed the nature of retail and it has been difficult for companies to keep up with the pace of change in the wake of increased technology applications that are taking over our lives in so many different ways, literally. While...
With the return of nightlife after two years of pandemic related restrictions, maintaining productivity after a weekend out may be a happy problem once again. Enter DrinkAid, a health supplement brand based in Singapore that specializes in reducing the side effects of alcohol such as intoxication, flushing...
MoEngage has revealed the results of a survey focused on consumers' expectations of how brands leverage personalization to interact with them. The report, The Personalization Pulse Check Report 2023, polled 2,000 consumers across North America to learn more about the kinds of messages customers expect to receive from their favorite brands,...
New precinct-level digital initiatives and an SME Centre have been launched to help Chinatown businesses grow their business by attracting more visitors, with dedicated efforts to target the younger and digitally-savvy crowd. New Digital Initiatives COVID-19 has impacted Singapore’s tourism businesses...
As stricter safe distancing measures for public venues, social activities and activities are introduced by the Government to reduce the risk of further local transmission of COVID-19, restaurants across Singapore are turning to delivery as a way to sustain their businesses and keep serving customers in their...
Amazon’s Seller University, an online education portal, for small and medium businesses (SMBs) in Singapore, was launched at the Amazon Singapore Online Seller Summit 2020.  With interactive eLearning content, sellers on can access live practice opportunities and personalized support to better operate on Amazon's store.