Employees of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are progressively adapting to the new ways of working amidst the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic - however, to keep pace with these changes, employers must better support and safeguard employee wellbeing as we move into 2021.
A report based on the study Decoding Global Ways of Working states that only 7 per cent of Asia's workforce now want to commit to a completely onsite work arrangement. A majority of them have expressed a desire for flexibility in where their work gets done. A total of...
The world has entered uncharted waters: COVID-19 has altered everything. Many of us have had to minimise physical interactions to live and work virtually. Companies and individuals have pivoted, reinvented, and transformed to meet the current demand. COVID-19 is not over yet, and the need...
Just over one in five employees believe their employer is preparing them for a more data-oriented and automated workplace (21%), according to new research from Qlik.  This is despite most business leaders predicting an upheaval in working practices due to the rapid onset of...
With the increasing emphasis on integrating sustainability into business models and operations, demand for talent in sustainability is set to intensify.  According to NTUC LearningHub, more than seven in ten employers (77%) reveal that they are looking to hire talent for sustainability-related initiatives in the...
Young people around the world have relished newfound workplace freedoms, but new research by Cigna International reveals the move towards flexible and remote work risks hurting their mental well-being and professional development, with many now seeking new jobs. The health service provider's latest 360...
The leadership pipeline for women has hollowed out in the middle, according to a new global study "Women in leadership: Why perception outpaces the pipeline—and what to do about it" from the IBM Institute for Business Value (IBV) and Chief. The study of 2,500 organizations...
Against the backdrop of a hybrid work model and an uncertain economy, organizational culture is more important than ever to boost employee engagement and retention, company performance, and financial results. That's according to data from a new survey of 500 global CEOs published by Heidrick...
Nearly all business leaders agree (57% strongly agree, 40% somewhat agree) that it is necessary to implement Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) measures, with 7 in 10 (69%) revealing that their organisation currently has WSH measures in place. Among those who do not, only...
Everyone knows people who are fun to be around. They're outgoing, positive and seem to make everyone around them better. Researchers call them "connectors," and a new study suggests they can help improve the work experience and ultimately reduce turnover when strategically hired and placed in certain group settings. And that effect...