In a first-of-its kind partnership, Southeast Asian eCommerce company Lazada Group is partnering with higher education institutes and data analytics experts to jointly develop online and offline training courses for entrepreneurs and small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to become more efficient and cash in on the ecommerce boom. Launched in 2012, Lazada is...
Is it time for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Singapore to bury the old paradigm and focus on newer technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) to help them bridge the gap? Traditionally, SMEs have lagged behind bigger enterprises in scale and resources and while they are usually reluctant to embrace new technologies,...
Small and medium enterprises are often daunted by the costs of developing workplace learning capabilities. A new centre is aiming to build best practices in workplace learning amongst SMEs in Singapore by bridging the gap between jobs and skills. Over 1,000 companies, particularly smaller enterprises, will be benefited by the centre. Grants...