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Study assesses Singaporean workers preparedness for digital transformation

Photo by Christina Morillo

Reeracoen and Rakuten Insight Global have released results of a collaborative study that delves into the perspectives of Singapore workers from three different age groups to better understand how attitudes towards digital transformation have evolved and to evaluate the adequacy of company support in the context of accelerated global digitalisation efforts.

The COVID-19 pandemic has propelled companies worldwide to swiftly embrace digitalisation, requiring employees to adapt rapidly to new technologies. After more than three years since the outbreak, the survey aimed to assess whether Singaporean workers now consider themselves better prepared to navigate the realm of digital transformation.

Titled “Perceptions of Digitalisation in the New Normal World”, the study drew insights from 308 participants, with 39% (121 respondents) being Gen X and Baby Boomers, 38% (117 respondents) representing Gen Y, and 23% (70 respondents) from the Gen Z category.

Key Insights from the Study

From the integration of digital tools in workplaces to the proliferation of digital platforms in everyday life, it is easy to assume that awareness of digitalisation is widespread. Yet, the survey data underscores a notable gap in understanding among individuals, regardless of their age group. The survey also unearthed several key findings:

This study offers a comprehensive view of Singaporean workers’ evolving perceptions of digitalisation, equipping employers and job seekers with insights to navigate the digital age confidently. By understanding the perspectives of various generations, businesses can foster a cohesive working environment that adapts to the changing landscape of technology.

Mr. Kenji Naito, Group CEO of Reeracoen, shared, “Digitalisation is a defining force reshaping industries and economies. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated this transformation, prompting businesses to reimagine operations and embrace technology. To remain relevant, companies must invest in upskilling and foster a culture of continuous learning.”

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