Ascendas-Singbridge to develop Smart Urban Co-Innovation Lab in Singapore

Ascendas-Singbridge Group (ASB), supported by the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) and Enterprise Singapore, announced the formation of a Smart Urban Co-Innovation Lab, the first developer-led lab in Southeast Asia. Slated to be launched later this year, the lab will facilitate and support at least 30 co-innovation projects within the next three years.

The Smart Urban Co-Innovation Lab will support industry players and technology providers’ efforts to innovate in Singapore to seize regional business opportunities. The lab will focus on building capabilities in the four key areas: intelligent estates, smart mobility, digital wellness, and agritech.

Led by ASB, the lab will provide a platform for industry players to share problem statements and collaborate with technology players to co-develop and trial new and innovative solutions for commercialisation, in Singapore as well as overseas. The lab will roll out various programmes such as call-for-proposals, pilot tests, workshops and boot camps. This will help develop the capabilities and competencies of technology providers, as well as produce innovative Proof-Of-Concepts and prototypes for users of smart urban technologies.

“Since we launched our grant call for collaboration for smart estates six months ago, we have received positive input and feedback from developers and technology providers alike. The Smart Urban Co-Innovation Lab is another firm step we are taking to accelerate the growth of a vibrant and innovation-driven smart estates sector. We hope that our companies participate in the lab, co-innovate and take advantage of the growth opportunities in a digital economy in Singapore and beyond,” said Jane Lim, Assistant Chief Executive, IMDA.

IMDA will continue to work closely with the industry and other government agencies to support the development and trials of innovative technology and solutions through upcoming technology calls.

“Ascendas-Singbridge has always been a strong advocate of using technology to enhance customer experience, drive operational excellence, and uncover new products and services. In the course of our business, we realised that many industry players have similar interests and can benefit from an open source platform that can aggregate and deploy best-in-class solutions. With the co-innovation lab strategically located within Singapore Science Park, technology providers will also have easy access to relevant infrastructure and resources required for the development and test bedding of solutions,” said Manohar Khiatani, Deputy Group Chief Executive Officer of Ascendas-Singbridge Group.

To help Singapore enterprises innovate and internationalise, Enterprise Singapore has been encouraging strategic partnerships between large and small firms to leverage their complementary strengths. It will connect both local and overseas end-users and relevant technology solution providers, including SMEs and startups, to the lab. Enterprise Singapore will also support the solutions providers in the deployment of their innovative solutions overseas through its global network in over 35 locations and other assistance tools including financial assistance.

Added Eunice Koh, Assistant Chief Executive Officer, Enterprise Singapore, “The Smart Urban Co-Innovation Lab allows our SMEs to work on real life problem statements of developers, service providers and customers. In the process of developing and testing their solutions, they also build up their track records, which is a prerequisite when they export their solutions abroad.”

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